Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Spoke Too Soon

Well, let me just say, I hope I didn't jinx the poor thing. My brother re-broke his collar bone yesterday, and my mom called me not even 30 minutes after I made my last post with the news. It's crazy how things like that work. Proof that God is in control. He did take it much better the second time around, though, from what I hear. I just hope he heals up fast. 
On another note, Harry Potter tonight! 

I feel like an impostor going to see the midnight premier because I have not read any of the books. I started the first one twice, if that counts for anything. I don't know why. I just don't understand this hold it has on people. And the same goes for Twilight...what the heck? 
I suppose part of it stems from the fact that I like to rebel against conformity. Haha! I'm sure that made some of you-if anyone is out there-laugh. But really, part of the reason I don't follow these trends is a matter of principle. However, I can say that I read the first Twilight book through. I'm sure I'll get around to the Harry Potter books eventually. 
I'm sitting in the library right now. It's my usual hang-out spot. My 11 o'clock class got cancelled today, so I'm holding out here until lunchtime/whenever I have the nerve to go take my algebra test.

Talk to you all later, 

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