Saturday, December 11, 2010

I made some changes..

I was kind of bored with the other look, and since I'm yet to get a response from someone about getting a layout, we're stuck with this for now. I changed the colors up a bit to ones that I like better.
As for as new stuff...I've been taking finals like a mad woman. I've had 4 so far. One on Thursday, two on Friday, and one this morning. My last one can be taken at anytime on Monday in the Math Testing Center. Sounds scary. I'm horrible at math. I will be so glad when that is over, and I can go home with (almost) no worries for 5 weeks. Woohoo! I can't really think of anything new, so I guess this will be it for now. Sorry I've been kind of absent; I either have nothing to blog about or I'm just an incredibly boring person. 

I feel as if this quote is somewhat appropriate for today. Don't ask why.

 It's better to keep quiet and have people think you stupid, than to talk and confirm it. - Mark Twain
