Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Springfield, Here I Come!

It's funny how things work out…am-I-right?

I am a strong believer in fate/destiny/what's meant to happen will always find a way, but I was extremely validated in that belief last week. I applied to four different graduate schools, and we began hearing back from them at the middle of last month. We all anxiously anticipated hearing good news from our "choice" school, but secretly hoped that we could get into even just one.

I received my first letter in the mail. I was wait listed. I had a mix of emotions upon this news. Part of me was excited because, well, it wasn't a rejection. However, part of me was disappointed because it wasn't an acceptance either. I just told myself to calm down because I still had 3 more schools to hear from, and some people DID get rejected from there. After all, I still at least had a chance of getting in.

The next school I heard from was an acceptance! I was so excited!!! With this news, I knew that I would at least be going to graduate school, but it wasn't the school I was secretly hoping for. I had heard great things about the program, mind you, but it just wasn't where my heart was pulling me.

I got my next letter. My undergraduate alma mater had accepted me. This was my most exciting news yet because for the past few years, our instructors and professors had done nothing short of scare us to death about not getting in at their school, much less getting in anywhere else. My advisor even told me to not get my hopes set on getting into a "big" school (which I took to mean a "good" school). He also encouraged me to apply at a school no one had even heard of. Ha. No thanks.

My last letter, and the highest ranked school of my choices, finally reached me. I was, again, placed on an "alternative list." Bummer.

I decided to go ahead and accept the offer at the U of A because it was the best option I had from the schools I'd gotten accepted to, and I also interviewed for a position as a graduate assistant because I knew I was about to be out a LOT of money. You should know, I interviewed for one of only two positions being offered to over 20 applicants. I knew that the odds weren't in my favor, but I decided to give it a try and put it in God's hands.

About a week later, I received the news that I had not gotten the assistantship. I was disappointed to say the least. All I could think was, "student loan debt, here I come!" The very next day I got an email from my top pick, asking me if I wanted to remain on their wait list in the event that a spot should come open, and that she could let me know by the end of the day. Well, of course I did! Later that afternoon, I was offered a spot in their program. Ecstatic doesn't even begin to describe!!! Immediately, I felt a wave of heat rush over my body, and I swear my body temperature went up about 10 degrees in a matter of seconds.

I immediately started calling all of my "people," telling them the good news and asking them what in the world I should do. I knew that ultimately it was my decision, but I still needed advice because that's just how I am. Everyone was very encouraging, which was exactly what I needed. I thought about it for about 15 minutes, and promptly emailed the department head back to accept the position. If you know me at all, you know that's probably one of the fastest decisions I've ever made in my life, a life changing one at that. It takes me about that long to decide what kind of bread I'm going to buy at the store.

All of this is to say, that I will proudly begin my graduate studies this June at Missouri State University. I'm excited to see what the future holds, and I appreciate the support from my family and friends more than I can put into words.

Let the apartment hunt begin!


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